Is Ashwagandha good for Anxiety? Decoding adaptogen ashwagandha. – Luxmi Estates

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Is Ashwagandha good for Anxiety? Decoding adaptogen ashwagandha.

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Is Ashwagandha good for Anxiety? Decoding adaptogen ashwagandha.

So what exactly is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic adaptogen that is known for its positive impact on controlling stress levels and helping people deal with symptoms of anxiety.

An Adaptogen is a natural substance that helps the body adapt in times of stress, anxiety, fatigue, and overall balance. Adaptogen brings your body back to steady balance by managing physical and mental stressors.

Ashwagandha being a natural adaptogen is effective in restoring the balance in the body and protecting people from life-threatening diseases. It is useful in Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular diseases, and lifestyle problems like diabetes and obesity. This natural adaptogen helps to improve the overall quality of life.

Is the effect of Ashwagandha immediate?

IDeally ashwagandha should be consumed over a period of time in consistent quantities to yield desirable results. Consuming approx. 30mg to 1000mg daily are recommended to show any beneficial results. One needs to consume it for a period of 4 to 12 weeks to start seeing results. 

People report an immediate improvement even after usage for days but for effective results its best observed over a period of time like any natural ingredient.

There are factors that contribute to the amount of time it takes to start showing results.

How regularly one is consuming, what is the dosage, and finally the quality of the ashwagandha that you consume. Ashwagandha can be consumed in powder form, capsule, and also topical creams that can be applied on the skin. In about 4 weeks' time, you can observe the improvement in your energy and focus level, your sleep quality, and your body’s ability to handle stress and anxiety and this is how you can know that ashwagandha is working for you.

Ideal Quantities and Usage

Always remember to take ashwagandha in moderate quantities. If you are a first-timer start with a dosage of 150mg. For regular users, dosage of up to 600 mg is good. Studies show that ashwagandha can be consumed regularly from 30mg to 1000mg. Ashwagandha can be regularly taken and there are no serious side effects. In some cases, medical professionals advise taking a break for a couple of weeks after 8-12 weeks of consumption.

Best time to consume

There is no hard and fast rule about the time you consume ashwagandha. This depends on your personal need and preferences. People dealing with insomnia, stress, and anxiety prefer to take ashwagandha at night before going to bed. It helps to restore balance and lets you have a good quality sleep. People who are looking for mental clarity and focus can consume it in the morning. It is advisable to consume it post your meals. The key is to make it a part of your daily wellness ritual and be consistent with it.

Ashwagandha is a plant-based adaptogen that supports your body’s physiological response to stress and has been associated with maintaining lower stress levels and having better sleep. It also controls cortisol levels and enhances focus and mental stamina.

It proves that ashwagandha being a natural adaptogen has many health benefits. It all depends on the person who is consuming it, to decide how much to consume, when to consume, and what health issues to treat. Generally, people start seeing results within 4 to 12 weeks and some even see it before that. The key is to be consistent, be regular, and follow a healthy lifestyle with it.

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